Hi guys!
Here goes, my very first blog!
What better way to start it off, than to show you my first graduating class of Puppy Pre–School.
I’ve always had an interest in animal behaviour so when the opportunity came along to do an online puppy school course I thought, why not!
So now I present to you our first group of graduate puppies, Barbie, George, Maximus and Teddy.
Don’t they look great in their home made graduation hats? (Although not one hat stayed on for longer than 5 seconds!) Please don’t judge my creative skills, I am a Vet Nurse after all, not an artist!
I’m not sure who is more exhausted at the end of each class… me, the puppies or the owners! However, I do know that we had a lot of fun learning new skills and socialising!
Until next time,
Kate – Veterinary Nurse